New perspectives – Sharing my thoughts with you…
I’m excited to share some of my insights and perspectives on relevant topics with you. Let’s delve into the future growth indicators for tomorrow’s companies and explore new horizons together.
New perspectives – Sharing my thoughts with you…
I’m excited to share some of my insights and perspectives on relevant topics with you. Let’s delve into the future growth indicators for tomorrow’s companies and explore new horizons together.
Ambition is a driving force that propels companies and leaders forward. Strategic goals set the direction, create momentum, and inspire action. But can ambition be too much, too high? When does it become a burden rather than a catalyst for growth? Ambitious Strategic Goals Require Strong Leadership When companies set ambitious strategic goals, it places..
Change is not only necessary – it is inevitable. But how do we balance the need for stability with the demands for constant development? Disruption is not a new phenomenon. Clayton Christensen put the concept on the world map in 1997, but his message is still relevant: Disruption is about ensuring your competitiveness. It’s not..
Last week, I was asked which strategic challenges concern me the most. It’s a thought-provoking question, and after reflecting on it, I identified three critical issues that demand our attention: 1. Global instability – War, geopolitical unrest, and the pursuit of power create uncertainty and drive change across borders. 2. The EU’s declining competitiveness –..
Commercial Transformation: A Necessity in a Changing World Today, companies face a constant flow of new challenges: digitalization, increased competition, and shifts in customer behavior. To remain competitive, maintaining the status quo is no longer enough—businesses must transform their commercial strategies to meet today’s demands. This process is known as commercial transformation. But what does..
KOM – Keep On Moving: Always in Motion, Always Changing In a world defined by constant change and unpredictability, it’s essential for businesses, leaders, and individuals to keep moving. This means being adaptable and open to new impulses and insights, even when they may seem complex or overwhelming. KOM = Keep On Moving is my..
Growth Strategy and Sustainability – The Balance Between Long-Term Growth and Sustainability Efforts Both growth and sustainability are essential factors for business success, and we face a unique challenge: How can we create long-term economic growth without compromising environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments? Growth Strategy with an ESG Focus Traditionally, business growth strategies have..
I enjoy dialogues in my network that present different perspectives and spark reflection—and last week, I discussed the role in a boardroom setting with someone I greatly appreciate having in my network. We touched on specialists and the broader profile, which I refer to as generalists. In the boardroom, we need to approach a company..
In a time of global changes, increasing complexity, and new challenges, growth is not just a goal—it’s a necessity to continue adapting, developing, and investing in your business. Growth as a result of many factors Growth does not occur in a vacuum; rather, it is a combination of several factors working together. These factors range..
Through many years of working with strategy and management, I have gained deep knowledge in this field and the importance of focusing on it. Being in sync with the market requires a dual strategic focus—one that looks outward at external factors and inward at internal processes. This dual strategic focus is essential for creating a..
Everything moves quickly, and the traditional, linear approach may fall short in a world marked by rapid development. Some even speak of exponential growth – call it disruption, call it competition, call it development, or something else entirely – just don’t stand still in a dynamic world. Something new is needed, and this applies to..
Rethink instead of repeat: Harnessing the driving force for continuous adaptation In our rapidly evolving environment, mere repetition of past practices falls short when aiming to navigate the complexities of the future. To stay relevant, we must be proactive in aligning with market demands and acquiring the necessary skills for success. The catalyst for progress..
Have you ever considered how a simple popcorn kernel can illustrate our potential? Just as each kernel of corn is unique, we all have a unique potential waiting to be “popped.“ From Kernel to Pop: Explore, Unfold, and Develop Start by exploring your abilities, competencies, and what truly energizes you. Unfold your creativity – make..
It is my clear observation that the role of Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) is rapidly evolving as companies worldwide increasingly integrate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles and sustainability into their overall strategies. As a consultant and board member, I have had the unique opportunity to witness and participate closely in this transformation, and it..
I believe that curiosity is an important ingredient in growth, especially in a world of constant evolution and many other factors. We must approach the task with an open mind and let curiosity open doors to new opportunities. We can achieve this, among other things, by: – Explore – Ask questions – Challenge assumptions –..
Changes in the market require changes in strategy – are you on top of your growth strategy? One of my favorite questions when working with growth strategies and commercial tasks is: “Where will the growth come from?” There are always many exciting suggestions and good ideas for growth, but if we dig a bit deeper,..
I find it extremely fascinating how technological development has accelerated over many years and continues to evolve rapidly. Now, with a tremendous focus on AI, countless new opportunities are emerging – along with many new things to consider. Alongside the fascination and the realization of how much I can actually learn about AI, there is..
Isn’t it inspiring to discuss about shaping our strategy with a strong focus on sustainability? We must decide whether sustainability is merely an add-on to our strategy or whether it becomes an integral part of our organizational ethos. The answer isn’t straightforward; it hinges on our current company state. However, one thing is certain: sustainability..
Jeg har efterhånden arbejdet med bæredygtighed i en del år, både ift. at få defineret arbejdet med FNs 17 verdensmål, udarbejdet strategier for bæredygtighed og ikke mindst få udarbejdet bæredygtige strategier. Når jeg ser tilbage og reflekterer lidt over min rejse inden for bæredygtighed, ser jeg det som meget mere end en opgave, det er..
Reflecting on an older article/post I penned back in 2017 during my stint as a solo entrepreneur in version 1.0, I realize its relevance has only grown with time. In today’s ever evolving and dynamic landscape, characterized by complexity and uncertainty, the significance of leadership has only magnified. Strategic leadership, at its core, entails not..
When Operations Become a Barrier to Progress We must in no way neglect the importance of operations, as they keep the wheels turning and create value, but operations alone are not enough; there must also be progress. Full Speed Ahead in Place We operate in extremely dynamic environments, where unpredictability, challenges, and complexity push us..
The business landscape is rife with geopolitical uncertainty, inflationary pressures, and challenges within global trade, all of which contribute to the complexity of our environment. In such times, adaptation becomes imperative. We find ourselves needing to dedicate more time to risk analysis, adjust our strategies, and potentially recalibrate our actions while remaining steadfast in our..
Hvorfor overhovedet tale om transformation? Ændringer i vores omgivelser er jo ikke noget nyt som sådan, og vores verden har altid og vil altid være i et flow af skiftende markedsvilkår, udfordringer, nye krav og nye muligheder. Lige nu mødes vi blandt andet af makroøkonomiske, geopolitiske udfordringer, krav om øget bæredygtighed, ESG-rapportering, digitalisering og kunstig..
Er der nogle barrierer man skal være opmærksom på? Udfordringen er måske i virkeligheden at tilpasse sig lige så hurtigt, som verden ændrer sig, og mange står allerede midt i en transformation og oplever, at der er brug for en ledelsesmæssig tilpasning. Og ja, der er lige så mange barrierer som der er faktorer i..
Der er mange faktorer i spil på en gang, når vi taler transformation og netop det stiller krav om at forsøge at skabe et overblik over de tiltag der er nødvendige at igangsætte. Ud fra min erfaring betyder det også, at de tre primære elementer til at drive en transformation er: – Et klart formål..
Bæredygtighed og ESG er efterhånden højt på den strategiske agenda, og ikke længere et ”nice-to-have” fokus. Derfor kan det med fordel integreres i den overordnede strategi og have et kommercielt sigte, så det ikke udelukkende bliver en rapporteringsopgave. Der er meget ofte et kommercielt potentiale i arbejdet med bæredygtighed og det kan være i form..
Er din virksomhed levedygtig om 5-10 år, som den er i dag? Jeg oplever ofte, at virksomheder er udfordret på tiden ift. at balancere mellem drift og udviklingsopgaver, og jeg forstår ganske udmærket det dilemma. Men i en så foranderlig, udfordrende og usikker verden vi opererer i, er det vigtigt at finde en måde at..
Jeg møder mange, der er i tvivl om, hvad bæredygtighed reelt er for en størrelse – og om det nu er noget for dem…Bæredygtig er noget for alle og omhandler blandt andet ESG – faktorer indenfor miljø, sociale og ledelsesmæssige punkter – som alle kan byde ind i og de fleste gør faktisk også allerede noget der understøtter bæredygtighed uden helt at vide det.
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